22 November, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018 Prayer Blog

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

It's that time of year: the leaves are falling,  with maybe a little bit of snow. The Halloween decorations have come down, replaced by scarecrows and fake turkeys, and everyone is looking forward to Thanksgiving, that one day a year when the entire family comes from every corner of the city, state, or country to squeeze into one tiny house full of food and laughter, to celebrate together.

While it has never been my favorite holiday (Christmas holds that position, definitely) I've always thought that Thanksgiving is something very special. Every year I looked forward to getting together with my family to enjoy the holiday. Everyone's so happy on Thanksgiving and the joy is infectious. Nowadays Thanksgiving gets overshadowed by flashier holidays like Halloween and Christmas, which I think is really sad.

Who cares if Thanksgiving doesn't come with funny costumes or brightly wrapped packages? So what if it doesn't involve free candy or a sparkly evergreen tree? Thanksgiving isn't about getting; it's about giving and enjoying what you already have. On Thanksgiving, we come together with the family God gave us, we enjoy good food prepared by skillful hands, and we remember the last year and the joys that it held. Thanksgiving isn't Christmas, and it's not Halloween. But in many ways it's better than either, because it's a time to be loved by family and a time to thank God for his blessings.

A Prayer for Thanksgiving

Dear God,
How wonderful you are, how mighty are your works. You give us blessing beyond imagination, and today on Thanksgiving we want to give you something back. Thank you for all that you've provided for us: a roof over our heads, good food to eat, a family that loves us, and the free gift of life that your son gave us. May we be eternally grateful for the blessings you've given us. And give us your eyes to see those in need and give our blessings to them. We praise you because you are worthy. Amen.

Photo Credit: boundingintocomics.com

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