12 October, 2018

30 Random Things about This Writer

I've been writing for almost five years now and posting my work on this blog almost as long. I've tried many different styles of writing in many different genres - poetry, short stories, and essays. It's been an incredible journey that hasn't ended yet, and you, my faithful readers, have been on this journey with me the entire time. You have no idea how encouraging it is to see how many of you read my work, and from all over the world no less. Your faithful reading has kept me going and I do hope that my writing has kept you reading.

It dawned on me the other day that even though dozens of people read my work and hopefully enjoy it, not many of you know about me, the author behind the words. To many I'm just a picture or the words I write. So I thought I would introduce myself. Below are 30 random facts about me and a few stories from my life. I hope this makes me a little more real and makes you smile.

1. I am currently 17 years old and live in the same city that I was born in. I've never moved in my life.

2. I used to be ambidextrous but then picked my right hand.

3. I took dance for 10 years, from six different schools. While I tried a lot of styles, I liked ballet the most. I got far enough in ballet that I was beginning pointe work when I quit.

4. From the age of seven to thirteen I was afraid of going to see a movie in the theater. I have very sensitive hearing and, even with ear plugs in, the surround-sound was too loud. I also didn't like waiting for something scary to happen on a huge screen.

5. If I could meet a historical figure, it would be Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickinson, or Emily Bronte.

6. I love old TV shows. I've watched every episode of 21 Jump Street, Gilligan's Island, The Cosby Show, and Rocky and Bullwinkle, and I've seen most of Bonanza, M.A.S.H., Trapper John MD, and The Waltons.

7. I have a pin collection. I have 25 little pins and two giant ones, including four Batman pins, three X-Men pins, one Vote for President pin, and one Bigfoot Exists pin.

8. My favorite season is Autumn, followed closely by Winter.

9. I have never broken a bone even though I was a very active and reckless kid. I did twist my knee a couple years ago and it still gives me problems occasionally, but it's not debilitating.

10. I've been playing piano for 10 years. I am still currently playing and plan to continue till at least my senior year of high school. I've gotten firsts in Class C and Class B in Solo & Ensemble.

11. I like anime. I'm nowhere near a diehard fan but I like the art style and some of the stories. Interesting side fact: I hate action anime and much prefer slice of life. My favorite slice of life anime is Your Lie in April. 

12. I LOVE reading! I am never without a book of some sort, and most of the time it's a classic. I own over one hundred books and have read almost that many.

13. I have read a lot of classic books, including Wuthering Heights, Dracula, A Christmas Carol, A Tale of Two Cities, and Fahrenheit 451.

14. I volunteer at my church a lot. I'm in the nursery at least once a month and I'm on tech team to run slides for music and the sermon once or twice a month.

15. My favorite movies are Beautiful Fantastic and Carry Pilby. I like these movies because the main characters of both love to read and are a little eccentric, two qualities I see in myself.

16. Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love the atmosphere around it and all the happiness it brings. Every year I go all-out when decorating even if my family thinks it's a little obnoxious.

17. I have never dyed my hair in my life. While it's gotten darker naturally, my hair as always been my natural color.

18. My favorite fall activities are picking apples and carving pumpkins.

19. I lost all my baby teeth pretty quickly once they started getting loose. I was so impatient with the last one that I pulled it out the second it became loose.

20. Up until recently, I would have a cream cheese bagel every day for lunch.

21. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to Japan. I love the atmosphere and culture, and everything is such an interesting mix of a million different things. If all goes as planned, I will be going to Japan after college.

22. While I am still a student now, I will be graduating in about a year and a half. Afterwards, I'm planning to go to New Tribes Mission School and after that becoming a full-time missionary.

23. I love ballet, specifically watching ballet. My favorite production is Giselle by the Dutch National Ballet. My favorite ballet dancers are Natalia Osipova and Carlos Acosta.

24. I am an ambivert. While I like my space and recharge at home, I love people and like getting to know them.

25. I'm a lifeguard and I just celebrated my one year anniversary of getting certified and getting my first job. It's a fun job and I wouldn't mind doing it for a few more years.

26. I hate coffee. It smells and tastes gross to me and I don't like the idea of being dependent on anything to function in the morning.

27. I am a night owl. I am able to get up early enough for my homeschool lessons, but I'm much more alert and motivated to work at night. A lot of my early blog posts were worked on at night.

28. My personal goal in life is to make a lasting difference. I don't want to be forgotten or become just another face in a crowd, so I try to make the most of my time and feel rewarded if I'm able to help someone.

29. I have never had a boyfriend.

30. My favorite Bible verse is Matthew 28:20, "...Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

I hoped you enjoyed this little dive into my life. I certainly wouldn't be who I am today, with all these quirks, if I hadn't gone through trials, hard times, and life-changing events. And while nothing tragic has ever happened in my life, I'm proud to say I made it through some really trying times. But I didn't do it alone; throughout my entire life God, has always been with me and he has helped me no matter the circumstances, my attitude, or the place I'm at. As a bonus fact about me, I'm a Christian and have been since I was five years old. While I'm not perfect, I cherish the idea that God has made me perfect in him. To all my readers, God has helped me and he can help you too; you just need to reach for him.

Thank you to everyone again for supporting me and continuing to read my work. As always, I remain your humble writer,


Photo Credit: lisarosman.com

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