17 October, 2018

Theater Day

I sit up high upon the seat,
Listen to the music humming at my feet.
The theater tumbles past my eyes,
As whimsical characters take to the skies.

A place of song and of sorrow,
A home for the performers of tomorrow.
The theater strange and full of mystery,
Beloved by all except the church consistory.

My mind wanders over stage and curtain,
Weaving through the air almost uncertain.
Strange the day I first came here,
Excitement in my eyes and my stomach full of fear.

Alone I sat that dismal day,
My heart askew wondering if I should stay.
I rose to go my place found out,
I didn't belong here without a doubt.

But rise it did with my standing,
The curtain red its presence commanding.
The dance began it swung and swayed,
I stood frozen my departure delayed. 

Beauty and strangeness all in one,
Players and dancers standout like the sun.
I've never left the theater since,
I, its princess and it my prince.

I love it so this mysterious place,
It lets me hide behind another face.
Strange and pretty oh so wild,
Hidden behind the curtain strangeness beguiled.

Here I sit the day forgotten,
The world outside its walls quite rotten.
The theater's the thing that holds my heart,
Glory, joy, sadness, the art.

Up it goes the curtain again,
On stage leap dancers ten.
Swaying churning all together.
I slide along like a feather.

Dance and sing play and talk,
On and on the players walk.
I'm there too my heart on stage,
My mind set free from its gilded cage. 

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