22 September, 2018

Welcome Fall 2018

I can't believe it's fall already; the days are so busy and go by so fast I hardly noticed summer ending. The stifling dampness of June passed me by, as did the sunny days of July. Only when a chilly wind sliced through the humid days of August did I realize that a new season was coming.

Fall. That wonderful time of year where everything is nippy but not quite frigid. When you have to wear a jacket but not gloves. When you have an excuse to pull out your throw blankets and whip up some steaming apple cider. I've always loved fall for all those reasons and more, so I am super exited now that the season is official. In honor of September 22, I thought I would give autumn a proper welcome.

Welcome, Fall.
It's been a while. You went away last year when winter blew in. You've waited for spring to sprinkle its flowers and birds everywhere, and stood quietly as summer sweated and humidified the air. But now you're back, with your chilly breeze and colorful landscapes and I can't wait to see the season unfold. Fall, you always bring the most beautiful changes. What other season perfectly mixes bright golden leaves with deep red ones, or expertly pairs round pumpkins with dry spiky corn stalks. It's such a nice diversion from the stickiness of summer or the dampness of spring that I always look forward to it. I can't wait for you, Fall. I've always enjoyed walking outdoors when all the leaves are changing or picking apples that you've ripened them to a crispy red or even sitting inside watching the season roll past my window as I sip hot cider. There is nothing better than the first deep breath of Autumn air; it seeps into the lungs and leaves a refreshing chill that has the slightest hit of cinnamon. That first breath smells like dry leaves and pumpkin pie, like apples and honey. And sometimes it even smells like Thanksgiving turkey. This is why I look forward to your return every year, Fall; you're a special season unlike any other and you bring with you comfort, joy, and family. So welcome back, Fall. Let's enjoy this season and all the wonderful things it has to offer.

Photo Credit: MTL Blog

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