14 September, 2018

9/11 Tribute

Freedom does not come cheaply; it must be fought for and believed in, and everyone must be willing to sacrifice to maintain it. America was a land of freedom - founded upon it and preserved through dedication and hard work. All people could feel a sense of pride when standing beneath the flag of this great county, the symbol of our greatness and the thing that bound all the people together.

On September 11, 2001, America was attacked. Evil people from a foreign country invaded this land and killed over 3,000 American citizens. No one expected it to happen and no one was prepared. When the Twin Towers fell, it seemed like America would crumble just like the buildings, the greatness of the country buried under all the rubble. It seemed like America was crushed; hope dwindled and went out.

But hope was reignited; our flag emerged out of all the carnage. Covered in dust and flying in tragedy, The Stars and Stripes continued on. It stirred the hears of everyone who had lost hope. It gave people a beacon to run to. It united a terrorized nation. The American flag rising out of the 9/11 rubble not only encouraged people, but it sent a message. America will not be crushed. We are resilient, a nation of 285 million people united as one. We emerged out of war in 1776, then rebuilt ourselves after the Civil War, and - no matter what comes at us - we will remain united and strong.

God bless America and keep it strong; give us hope in dark times.

In honor of the thousands of people who died on 9/11, never let their memory fade. Keep freedom alive; never let The Stars and Stripes fall.

Photo Credit: Asbury Park Press
Source: President Bush's Speech, Ground Zero

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