08 April, 2020

God is in Control

I think that it's safe to say that the world has changed quite drastically in the last few weeks. Due to panic and overwhelming fear, many people have isolated themselves from the rest of the world; the rest of us have been forced to isolate. The world is an unpredictable mess right now and I think that everybody feels like they've entered an inescapable tailspin. Who would have thought that the first few months of 2020 would see the whole world crippled by one virus, who could have predicted that humans would fight over things as meaningless as toilet paper and hand sanitizer, and who would have known that fear could rule our lives so completely?

No human could have predicted that any of this was going to happen, but one powerful God did predict it. God, the king of the whole universe, the creator of all things, did see this current, all-consuming crisis coming. He saw it coming from three thousands miles away, he orchestrated the events leading up to this current time, and - believe it or not - he's still in control of the situation even now; he's holding the ropes for us. Our natural human reaction to unplanned problems in panic; when something doesn't go our way, our emotions take over and can blind us to the reality of the situation. Because of this, I think that we've all forgotten that God is in control of this situation; he is in total control of everything in his universe, including our lives and the circumstanses that weigh upon us. It can be hard to remember this, especially when we are in the midst of a crisis or suffering. But, in the end, it doesn't matter if you did remember because God will always be in control no matter what humans do or don't do.

John 13:7 says, "Jesus answered him, 'What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterwards you will understand.'" Please keep this verse in mind, at all times, but especially in the coming weeks. The world is upside down and we can't see what the future holds, but this verse can be a constant reminder that God does have a plan; he knows that something wonderful will eventually come out of our temporary struggles. That is why he brought us into this in the first place; he knows that there is a greater glory to be had after a little sorrow. HE KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING!! He will hold us until the end; we only need to have the patience and faith to let him fulfill his work.

Photo Credit: LC3 Life Blog

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