10 April, 2020

Firefly Days

Flower crowns and bumble bee stings,
Firefly jars and fairy wings.
Stargazing nights and joyful days,
Childhood merriment these are the ways.

These are the ways we saw the world,
Watched possibilities before us unfurled.
We saw the sun and the cloud-draped rain,
Under-knee band-aids we felt no pain.

We ran like the wind and shouted like the night,
Danced and sang with all our young might.
Under rainbow skies and foggy moors,
Fling wide our possibilities and all our doors.

Like wild fireflies we roamed the land,
Beating our little wings our route unplanned.
Look up and you'll see us high in the sky,
We've soared toward the sun ever so high.

Though nighttime may fall we still will not sleep,
Under the covers our little eyes peep.
To look at the stars and the fading day,
Nothing nor no one could stop our play.

The days will grow longer and we will grow tall,
We'll leave summer behind and head for fall.
But we'll always remember the joy and our play,
We'll never forget theses firefly days.

Photo Credit: O'D Sherrill 

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