06 April, 2019

And We're Off!

Bon Voyage, Everyone! 

As of 10:00 this morning, the nine other members of the missions team and I are airborne and headed to Trinidad!

While it won't be a straight shot (we have two layovers, one of which is very long), we will get there eventually. Once we land in Trinidad, we hope to get right to work, working hand in hand with our Trinidad counterparts, experiencing a new culture, and using the skills we developed when planning for this trip. The team is well oiled and ready to go and, while I haven't asked each of them, I'm pretty sure everyone on the team is just as excited about this trip as I am.

We're all hoping to get something out of this trip. Something more than a cheap souvenir, something that lasts longer than a week, a sense that we did good work. While I don't know how this trip is going to go, I do know that God is going to do some amazing work over the week. From the very beginning, I could feel God working on the team, I could hear him working in everyone's hearts, and I just know that, no matter how scared, nervous or shell-shocked the team gets, we're ready to do God's work.

Please consider praying for the Trinidad team as we embark on this great adventure. Pray that everyone can work together well, that we stay open to what God has planned, that God would speak through our words and actions, and that we leave a lasting impact on the people we meet. Yet let them not remember us, but rather what God did through us. Pray for open hearts and minds, willingness to repent and believe, and for God to work through one small group of fallible humans.

Photo Credit: Etsy

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