21 April, 2019

An Easter Poem

There came a morning three days hence,
A sweet soft dawn that smelled of incense.
Quiet was the sunrise bright and calm,
It rose slowly whispering a psalm.

A dazzling morning rose quiet and clear,
As if something wonderful was quite near.
A hush in the fragrant air could be heard,
Nary a note was sung from any bird.

Watching and waiting a lone garden stood,
Something was happening the garden knew it would.
As spring comes after winter beauty again,
Life would come after death and shout amen.

In that small garden love would not be denied,
In a small tomb life awoke from deep inside.
A breath of life and forgiveness was breathed,
The salvation of all was bought and unsheathed.

The door to the tomb could hold it no longer,
The glory of the Lord alive and ever stronger.
The stone rolled away sealing death off,
Hell and the devil utter no scoff.

Out he stepped shining like stardust,
His voice spoke in volumes like a wind gust.
Bright as the sun beauty unfurled,
He stretched out his hands holding the world.

Christ Jesus so dear true love forever,
He died to save us our chains to sever.
On Easter morning his triumph was true,
He loved so he came for me and you.

Oh what a savior to suffer such hurt,
And for a people to raise out of the dirt.
His heart full of love he cares for us still,
He came to save us our hearts to fill.

He rose out of death and left it behind,
His power and smile ever so kind.
He gazed at the world and said it is finished,
Love so amazing it will never diminish.

Photo Credit: Pinterest 

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