25 August, 2018

Indian Girl

Indian, Indian on my knee,
Indian, Indian look at me.
So sweet and small my little brave,
Quiet as a mouse and so well behaved.

Soft through the underbrush quick like a deer,
Making bird calls for your far friend to hear.
Speaking whispers but running fast,
Spring through the trees to your place at last.

Met we did on a long summer day,
Me at my work and you at your play.
You looked at me, eyes big and wide,
Peeking through grass but I saw you hide.

I smiled at you and you grinned back,
I looked to give you something from my pack.
A sweet candy handed to you,
Friendship began as the day became new.

That day we spent the afternoon together,
You braided my hair and I gave you heather.
Friendship won in a single day,
Together forever you're never faraway.

Together we share the summer nights long,
Sitting together we sing endless songs.
Days of fun and mischief too,
We run through the grass legs soked with dew.

Sweet little brave you and I,
Dance together beneath the sky.
I see wonder in your face.
We take it together, the days' long pace.

Indian girl here with me,
I've loved you and you set me free.
Together to sing and to run, be who you'll be,
Woman and child at last set flying free.

Photo Credit: Pinterest.com

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