04 July, 2018

The Fourth of July - Prayer Blog

Happy Birthday to the United States of America! It's July 4th, the day 238 years ago that our country declared independence from its European overlord. We fought for our freedom and sacrificed many lives in pursuit of it. Every one of the founding fathers had the same goal of creating a God-honoring nation that could house a free people. America became a nation for patriots who would do anything to be free. And, as we grew, we opened our doors to all those who wanted the same freedom; we called everyone to our borders: "Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breath free; the wretched, refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest tossed to me; I lift my lamp beside the golden door." Never in the history of the world has there been a nation like this, a place of freedom, peace, and unity, all its people from every corner of the world united under one flag, a symbol of freedom that can never dim. This great nation of 50 states joined together was founded on the belief that God is real and is guiding this nation's steps. Without God, America is nothing. God willing, we will continue to trust in him and survive to offer our hopes, our dreams, and our lives to those who seek freedom. On this Fourth of July, link hands with all patriots, look up to the flag of our country, and thank God for his freedom for all.

Dear God, hold us as a nation in your hand this Fourth of July. Remind us what freedom is worth and make us truly grateful that we have it in such abundance here in America. Let us not fall away from you and your ways like so many great nations before us; instead, let us remember that you are the one who created this land of liberty and you are the one who sustains it always. Bless everyone who has sacrificed for this country and comfort any families who have lost soldiers or patriots. Dear Lord, please bless this nation with an abundance of faith in you and give all Americans a heart to see our freedom shared with all.

Happy Fourth of July to all my readers!

And I'm Proud to be an American Song

Photo Credit: RMA Spears

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