29 April, 2024

Heartbeat Press - April 2024 Edition

Industries of the Unspoken - Hidden Truth...Thinly Veiled 

Deep in the bowels of every local Planned Parenthood evil is afoot...and, as discussed in last month's issue, unwitting and desperate women are sacrificing themselves and their children to this evil every day in the name of "empowerment." While many, including those who don't truly understand abortion but support it because they are unable to separate themselves from the masses, argue that women go to Planned Parenthood because they have a "right to reproductive care" and it's "no one's choice but their own what they do with their bodies," those same abortion supporters deftly ignore the fact that, for hundreds of women walking into Planned Parenthood every year, that precious choice is, in fact, no choice at all. 

    Almost as ignored as the evils of abortion, the trafficking trade is a malignant and festering underground in the US economy that treats human beings no better than cattle and traps an astonishing number of women and girls in its grip every year. For these women, their slavery is often sexual, with their only value attached to how sexually useful they can be. So, when "unplanned" pregnancies occur, the very first priority of a woman's trafficker is to get rid of the obstacle preventing continued business. No consideration is given to the woman (who may want to keep her child); instead the decision is the pimp's and the pimp's alone. 
    While one would hope that seeking an abortion in these cases would instantly raise enough red flags to apprehend a trafficker and save the woman, the opposite is often the case. In fact, obtaining an abortion and getting girls "back in business" is horrifically easy to do. As Lila Rose (undercover investigator and founder of Live Action News) saw firsthand, the abortion industry and its workers are more than happy to bend over backwards for those clients, who become their most "frequent flyers." 
    Undercover videos from Live Action's Mona Lisa Project (named in honor of the famous painting's mystery, the hidden truths Live Action hoped to uncover, and the necessity of hiding identities while working) and other investigations in 2011, clearly show Planned Parenthood workers taking trafficking information in stride. Not one worker bats and eye when Live Action's investigator (posing as a pimp) asked how he can go about getting abortions and STD testing for his girls (some as young as thirteen) and no questions of consent or concerns of forced abortions are raised. Every worker's calm demeanor betrays the fact that the situation is not an unusual or alarming one that they would feel compelled to report. Other videos from the same investigations see Planned Parenthood workers suggesting paperwork loop holes to avoid the company's mandatory reporting rules and, in one case, giving tips on how trafficked girls can get back to work mere days after having an abortion, with one worker in West Virginia cheerfully suggesting, "Waist up...or, just be that extra action walking by."
    Former Planned Parenthood workers can corroborate everything seen in Live Action's videos and have included their own testimonies as more nails in the abortion industry's coffin. Many can recount experiences where they knew women walking through their doors (brought in by pimps and abusers) were being forced into their abortions, but the power of Planned Parenthood's money-making/customer-pleasing agenda prevented them from stepping in to protect the women. Even in cases where nurses did report cases of trafficking and abuse, they were immediately scolded by industry management and told they were to ignore the obvious abuse. As former Planned Parenthood manager Sue Thayer recounted, "They (Planned Parenthood) didn't want the trouble."

    For all the abortion industry's promises to put women first and only provide those services clients want, their actions, as always, speak louder than words. In the name of money and a fabricated empowerment, Planned Parenthood hides its prerogative behind a thin veil, and routinely goes to bat for every power under the sun except women. It would prefer to support pocket-lining abusers rather than the women it claims to support and, when called to account for its choices, it has no stomach to admit what it has done. If it did, it would lose every foothold it still has in society and be seen as the exploiter it is. 
    The abortion industry and the trafficking industry have walked hand in hand for as long as both have existed and, given what we now know, one could argue that there is no difference between the two. Rather, they are the same business, carefully hidden and yet ripe to be exposed. 

Photo Credit: Business Insider 

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