10 July, 2019

Heads Up!! An Announcement

Hello, everyone! Happy summer to all my readers; I hope you're having a wonderful summer break and aren't too bored yet or depressed about going back to school in a couple of months. I myself just finished up school for the semester and have been relaxing for a couple of weeks. I personally get very bored when I don't have any schoolwork and I find it hard to occupy myself. I end up annoying my mom and or spending too much time on my phone or computer. Since there's nothing else to do, I tend to waste my time on the mindless internet.

In a effort to combat total brain numbing during the summer, every year I spend a week or two up at a summer camp. I've been going to this camp, Lake Lundgren Bible Camp, for almost my entire life and I have filled many different roles in that time. When I was younger, I went up as a staff kid while my dad was the missionary speaker; when I got a little older, I spent a few years as a camper. And now, for the past couple of years, I've spent a few weeks as staff. It's always a really fun experience regardless of my role and I look forward to going back every year. Lake Lundgren has always been a special place for me and the camp has played a huge part in who I am today. I've grown closer to God every year that I visit and I have built some wonderful friendships that I am lucky to have. Lake Lundgren is basically a second home for me and I wouldn't dream of skipping an opportunity to visit.

All that being said, I'm going to volunteer at camp for two weeks this month! I'll be very busy and there is little to no internet up at the camp so, for the weeks that I'm gone, I'm going to be taking a break from both my blogs. I will be a lot less stressed during my busy weeks if I don't have to worry about posting and it will be a nice break during which I can revaluate what I want my next few posts to be. I will resume posting when I get back in August. Maybe I'll even have some camp stories to share with all of you.

Once again, I hope you're all having a great summer and I hope you have some fun plans of your own. Enjoy the sun and nice weather while we have it and I will see you all again soon. :)

Photo Credit: findyourinnerhappy.com

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