29 May, 2019

A Family

Mother Father Sister dear,
I've got something you'll want to hear.
I've written a poem about you all,
I have a feeling it'll make you bawl.

It's about a family who loved me dear,
With them around I've nothing to fear.
All through the day they keep me close,
They're the ones I love the most.

Each one of them is dear to me,
A fact so clear anyone can see.
So here they are my family fair,
Here are just a few ways that they care.

Mother my mother bold yet sweet,
A better mother you'll never meet.
Her heart is an ocean with no near shore,
My inner self she's helped me explore.

She's held my hand and walked with me,
For kisses and hugs I sat on her knee.
She carries a heart full of such love,
Her constant patience must be from above.

And with her's a father the man who raised me,
Fun loving and jolly made me laugh with glee.
Ever caring ever hoping a man kind and brave,
His joyful spirit washing over all like a wave.

There never was a time when Dad didn't care,
Whether telling a story of brushing my hair.
A man born to love us every one,
Happy as summer joyful as the sun.

Half of a whole the other's my sister,
No one could come between us not even a mister.
We've grown together hand in hand,
We'll always be close no matter what's planned.

She's laughed with me cried with me,
From adversity she never did flee.
Happy and joyful deep like the sea,
Forever my sister she'll ways be.

A family's a family through thick and thin,
Together will fly through life's tailspin.
Together for good close or apart,
A family that loves me with their whole heart.

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