19 February, 2019

Forever Loved

I've seen the heavens open wide,
Cascading clouds falling to the sides.
Upon the earth it cast a glow,
And from above glorious light did flow.

There it came with brilliant song,
The voice I've waited to hear for so long.
A beautiful kind and loving lilt,
It tumbled and spun to earth on a tilt.

Soft as silk white as snow,
It rained on my ears far below.
I've heard my Saviour's voice from the sky,
My heart skipped a beat and longed to fly.

He called my name and saw my eyes,
He turned them upward without disguise.
He's seen my face sorrows etched,
And yet to earth he came my soul to fetch.

His love so dear I can't explain,
But yet to tell I'll endure many a pain.
I love my Lord his story to tell,
And so I'll speak it my voice a bell.

He's come to me a love forever,
Parted from me he shall be never.
My heart is his it shall always be.
Forever in love with the rescuer of me.

Photo Credit: Pinterest.comhttps://www.pinterest.com/pin/352617845804016421/?lp=true

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