24 January, 2019


The frost upon my window dances oh so fine,
Like silver strings of winter and fair rings of twine.
Shining in the sunlight shimmering by the moon,
Light as air carried on the chill skies tune.

White and pure down they fall,
Heaping in snow mounds ten feet tall.
Gliding over tree and house and land,
Crystal and cold coming down in a long strand.

Upon the freshly fallen snow let us see,
March the young children shouting with glee.
Snow to them is a clear kind of magic,
Same as the world all beautiful nothing tragic.

Together they walk hand in hand heart to heart,
Young lovers together willing never to part.
The frost falls upon their lovely heads,
It whirls around them and coldly spreads.

Upon the way walks one man,
He has seen many a frost in his lifespan.
Old as he is his eyes are clear and blue,
Watching the snow his life would not undo.

Falling softly white as milk,
Quiet as a dove shimmers like silk.
Frost on the windows snow in the air,
Lifting like the wind and a whispered prayer.

Long I'll sit and watch this wonder,
Peace on earth do not put asunder.
Cold and crisp hope and love,
Snow and frost falling from above.

Photo Credit: Pinterest

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