10 August, 2018

A Truly Amazing Trip

I never expected my summer to go the way it did. I thought it would go as it always has, without much to show for my time off. I had a few plans but nothing special or amazing. Yet God used what I thought would be a boring summer to open my eyes. And he used one short week to change two lives.

Last year I took my cousin, who is almost my same age, to summer camp. I had been going to this camp for years before that and, even though I liked going, it was never that amazing. But I was excited to introduce my cousin to Lake Lundgren and I hoped that God would work in her life over the week. My prayers and those of my family were answered that summer; my cousin loved camp and didn't want to leave when the week ended. The best part of the whole thing was her decision to accept Jesus as her savior. It warmed my heart to see and I was so proud when she stood up to pray the prayer.

My cousin and me went back to camp this summer. We had planed it for months and she could hardly contain all her excitement. I was glad she wanted to go back and I looked forward to it too. But the week before we left I started having doubts; I was tired and had been sick. I knew that after a year of being a Christian, my cousin would have questions that I might not be able to answer and she would have baggage she still hadn't unloaded. I didn't feel ready to help her and if it had been up to me I would have skipped the whole week and stayed home. Thank God I didn't do that. The week was so much more powerful because of my reservations.

Even up to the very moment that we drove into camp, I was still feeling pensive. I didn't want the week to happen and the more I thought about it the more I regretted coming. But at the same time I felt guilty that I had even considered leaving my cousin in the lurch, I wanted to help her but I wished that her problems weren't so hard. I knew in my heart that I wasn't ready to help her. Over the previous year, my own faith had taken some very large hits. I felt that I wasn't trusting or loving enough of God, I couldn't feel his hand in anything I did, and I never felt close to him anymore. I didn't feel ready to be at camp and I had no desire to be challenged in my already weak faith. But then the week started.

I can only thank God for what he did; it was beyond anything I could have imagined and it was so much better that what I expected. Over the week, both my cousin and I grew in our faith; we actively looked for God and I think we both found him. My cousin began to realize what living for God truly means; she took huge steps in her faith and I think she was impacted profoundly by God.

I found my footing again. God heard my cries for help and direction and answered in a mighty voice. I also realized what it means to be all-in for God. I suddenly found myself wanting to change things in my life. I wanted to study God and wanted to use his power in my everyday life. I had never felt so charged in my faith before and I suddenly didn't care how tired or how upset I was. I made the choice to throw myself all-in; I told myself, "The more you put into it, the more you'll get out." God changed my way of thinking for the better and I hope that now I will be more willing to listen for his direction.

The week ended too fast and, before I knew it, we were back home. My cousin had left and things were the way they had always been. But not entirely. I knew God had changed me; he'd changed my cousin. We were both headed in the right direction and knew where we were going. God truly does work in mysterious ways at times that we never expect or want. But our time, plans, and desires don't matter because God knows what's best and he will always be there.

The theme verse for the week was Danial 4:3 -
"How great are his signs, how mighty his wonders. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and his dominion endures from generation to generation."

Photo Credit: Pinterest

Lake Lundgren Bible Camp Website 

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