05 February, 2018

Books...and the only one that matters

I have a lot of books. I recently counted them and I have over a hundred volumes on my shelves. To those of you who don't like reading, this might seem excessive or the sign of a mild hoarding problem. But to those readers out there, you understand me 100%.

A book is a precious thing; the story contained in its pages has the ability to transport you to another time and place and let you experience an adventure from the comfort of your easy chair. With a book, you get to meet characters that you will come to care about and root for; you want the hero to save the day, you want the villain to be vanquished, and you want every character you meet to come out unscathed. Reading is a unique kind of freedom that changes your life forever the minute you pick up a book. And I highly recommend that you pick up a book at least once a week.

But here's the plot twist in this story: No matter how amazing a book is - no matter how much you love it, even if the characters are almost human to you - NO BOOK WILL EVER MATTER!

Yes, there are wonderful books out there. But none of them will be more important than one very special book. It's called the Bible and I'm pretty sure everyone has heard of it. A lot of people own a Bible and there are about 40 different versions translated into about 2,000 languages, though they are all the same book.

What make the Bible so special? The Bible is the breathed word and will of the one true God. It is the reason and the explanation for why we exist. It is the history of the world and us. It tells the future that all of us are made and destined for.

Isn't that cool? We have the privilege and the ability to read the actual words of God, the Being who created us. He cares about us so much that he gave us a way to hear his voice on a daily basis.

So, when thinking long term, books are great to read and they do open up new worlds to the reader. But, ultimately, the only book that matters - the only story that should blow us away - is our own, as written down in the Bible. Do you have a copy?

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