10 January, 2018

Your Year

How many of you made resolutions for the new year? If I'm guessing right, most of you did, and most of you where probably excited about starting the new year off right. Twenty-eighteen hit and you took off running, ready to make a change. You were going to get fit, work harder, start a hobby, spend less time online; all this would make you a better person and make 2018 your year.

Doing all this would be good goals to set for yourself and I applaud you if you can keep at it. But what happened to last year's resolutions? Last year you did the exact same thing; you made resolutions and were determined to keep them, to make 2017 "your year." But slowly you stopped trying to fulfill your resolutions; you got tired of making yourself better for the new year, and sooner or later, that list with your resolutions on it either slid to the back of your desk or found its way into the garbage can.

Now I'm not saying that everyone quit their resolutions, and if you did complete them, then bravo! But I think most of us can agree that we slacked off and continued to live 2017 just like all the years before it. And if we're not careful, 2018 will follow suit.

So what do we do? Do we just continue this cycle of being the same every year with no end in sight, or do we make a real, hard core change? This year, let's actually do something about our resolutions; let's keep each other accountable and let's make this the best year we've ever had. Let's make this "your year."

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