18 September, 2014

In the Darkest Shadow

In the darkest shadow, there is a child, crying for love. In the darkest shadow, there is a boy, hungry and cold. In the darkest shadow, there is a girl, bitter and ragged. In the darkest shadow, there is a woman with an unborn child, searching for a place to sleep for the night. In the darkest shadow, there is a man, wondering where he went wrong. In the darkest shadow, there is an old man, ragged and crumpled by the years, not knowing where his next meal is coming from. As correspondents of God's Good News, we must shine our light into these dark corners and bring these people into the Light.

Photo Credit: Pablo Miranzo

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Yes, The Lord commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves. This is what separates Christianity from all other faiths......but only if we Christians do it, right? We can be salt and light to others if we ask the Holy Spirit to renew our minds and attitudes each day so that we are able to give up our lives for each other. Very hard to do sometimes, especially because we are prone to want what we want, when we want it. Oh Lord, help me to give what others need when they need it. Thanks for your posting. John Siemering